Easiest Way to Make Any-night-of-the-week Nuggets de pollo
Hi everyone, I'm back here, Dan, welcome to our recipe page. Today I will show you how to cook a special dish, how to cook homemade chicken pieces. This is one of my favorites. It will be a little bit special for me. It will be really tasty.
When it comes to preparing healthy meals for our families, there are always differences. The good news is that there are healthy recipes, but the healthy nature of these recipes is also somewhat masked. Those who are unaware of these conditions should not be harmed (with the exception of allergies which never go away).
This means that at some point in your cooking cycle, you will most likely cook better and / or worse than someone better than you. Take advantage of it, because even the most efficient cook has bad days. There are many people who cook for various reasons. Some cook it to eat and live, while others cook it because they love the whole absorption process. Some cook during emotional trauma, while others experience complete boredom. No matter what you are cooking or learning to cook, you need to start with the basics.
There are many books and magazines full of recipes that promote healthy eating and eating habits. If you love to cook, there are many recipes you can try along the way. The good news is that you can include nutritious foods in your cooking regimen, whether you're making it or at home.
The taste of chicken is influenced by many things, from the type of ingredients, to the choice of fresh ingredients, to the way the food is prepared and served. If you want to cook delicious chicken pieces at home, don't worry, because if you already know the trick, you can use this dish as an added treat.
To get started with this special recipe, we need to prepare some ingredients. You can eat chicken pieces using 10 ingredients and 7 steps. How can you achieve this?
Delightful !!
Ingredients and spices for the chicken pieces:
- 3 kg of chicken fillets
- 10.12 cloves of garlic
- 2 or 3 eggs 🥚
- Parsley and appetite
- Sal
- 1/2 kg of breadcrumbs
- 2 receivers
- 2 large sewers
- 1 large bag for first use
- 2 liters of sunflower oil 🌻
Stages of preparation of chicken pieces
- Take the steaks on a windowsill and cut them into pieces or strips about 4 cm or less wide. In a fairly large bowl, add a little water, plenty of salt and garlic, previously peeled and squeezed in a mortar, leave enough liquid, to taste, chopped parsley.
- When you go to cook: pour the colander and remove the garlic
- Beat two eggs with a pinch of salt in one of the bowls and mix the chicken pieces, leave inside for a minute or two, use two bowls, flip one over the other and drain so it doesn't touch the egg. then it sticks and gets worse.
- He goes to another dryer, and if you dry it, we already borrow 1/2 kg of breadcrumbs from La Bolsaya.
- Stuff with a small amount of croissant and shake to cover well with breadcrumbs
- Pour two liters of oil into a high skillet and heat over medium heat and discard the chicken.
- Don't waste too much time, otherwise it will stay very dry and the important thing is to keep it moist
You will also find that you become more and more improvised as you develop your experience and confidence, go ahead and adjust the recipes to your personal preferences. If you want more or fewer ingredients or a slightly spicy or less tasty recipe, you can make simple changes to achieve this. In other words, you can start creating your recipes on time. This is something you will inevitably learn when it comes to basic cooking skills for beginners, but if you don't have these simple cooking skills, you will never learn it.
So, this is the easiest way to cook homemade chicken pieces with this extra dish. Thanks for reading. I'm sure you can do this at home. There are interesting dishes in home recipes. Remember to save this page in your browser and share it with your family, friends and colleagues. Thanks for reading. Keep cooking!