'/> Easiest Way to Prepare Homemade Galletas to-rojas, con queso, melva y jamón ibérico - Carport Models

Easiest Way to Prepare Homemade Galletas to-rojas, con queso, melva y jamón ibérico

Biscuits with red wine, cheese, melva and Iberian bacon

Hello everyone, this is Dan, welcome to my recipe page. Today I'm going to show you a special recipe, Recipe Speedy Galitas a las Rojas, with Queuezo, Milva and Iberian Bacon. It's one of my favorites. This time I'm going to make it a little different. These smell and look sweet.

When preparing food, it's important to remember that it all starts somewhere. I don't know anyone who would come with a wooden spoon and cook everything. To be a productive chef you have to take a number of courses and there is always room for improvement. When it comes to cooking, you should not only start with the basics, but also start cooking new foods such as Chinese, Indian, Thai, or Indian.

Cooking healthy foods can be difficult because many people don't want to spend time planning and preparing meals that our family refuses to eat. At the same time, we want our families to be healthy, so we are forced to understand new and improved cooking methods (and unfortunately, in some cases, contempt) in order for the family to enjoy the food they enjoy.

First of all, not all wonderful lunches have to be prepared to join. Most people want to use the microwave and want to cook some, or at least prepare them by hand before using and heating them. Once you know what type of creative concept you need to implement, your options become limitless. Many of these ideas are so simple you wonder why you haven't thought of them before. I hope you find some of these ideas useful in your home.

Many things, along with cheese and melva and Iberian bacon, affect the quality of the taste of Galatas in Rojas, starting with the type of ingredients, the choice of fresh ingredients and the ability to minimize how the dishes are prepared and served. . Do not worry if you want to prepare a dessert at home with Rojas biscuits, cheese and melva and Iberian bacon, because if you know the recipe in advance, this dish can serve as an unusual dessert.

Galatas has 6 varieties with cheese, melva and Iberian bacon in terms of the amount of food served to Rojas. So make sure this room is enough for you and your loving family.

In addition, for Galatas, roasting with rojas, cheese and melva and Iberian bacon takes about 15 minutes.

To start with this unique recipe, we need to prepare a few ingredients. You can make cookies with red, with cheese and melva and Iberian bacon using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here's how to cook it.

In addition to simple recipes and with three variations, Melva, Manchego cheese, for starters, sliced ​​Iberian back.

Ingredients and spices to make trojas biscuits with Iberian cheese and melva and bacon:

  1. 200g flour
  2. 10 Tommy's Sequois NL Super DLC, English
  3. 80 grams of butter
  4. Salt food coloring and Regongo dye
  5. 1 VEZE
  7. 1 point Manchego Ready Cheese (to taste)
  8. 100 grams of Iberian bacon

Biscuits au rouge, instructions for making cheese and melava and Iberian bacon

  1. In a bowl, add the tomatoes, flour, some seasonings, rye and a pinch of salt. Mix butter and eggs for money and get the same dough.
  2. We created it in a large cylinder and put it in the fridge for 1/2 hour. Remove and cut into 1 cm thick pieces.
  3. Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes, making sure they don't burn, take them out and let them cool. In some places Melven, in some places the most mature cheese is made, in others Iberia cheese.
  4. Torojas tastes better every day, so you can add melava and cheese at the last minute.

The small steps you take towards your goal of cooking a balanced diet for your family can go a long way. Before you know it, you'll find that everyone has more energy and overall health than you might think before you changed your eating habits. If that's not enough to make you happy, you can always find an excuse to buy new clothes after going down a size or two.

This completes an unusual meal. How to make instant red biscuits with cheese, melva and Iberian bacon. Thank you very much for reading. I'm sure you will do it at home. In the future there will be delicious homemade recipes. Don't forget to bookmark this page in your browser and share it with your friends, colleagues and colleagues. Thanks again for reading. Keep cooking!

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