Recipe of Homemade Locro
Hello everyone, I hope you have a great day today. Today I'm going to show you how to make the signature dish, the easiest way to make the perfect locro. This is one of my favorites. I'll spice it up a little this time. It will smell and look delicious.
When it comes to preparing healthy meals for your own family, opinions differ. Surprisingly, there are recipes that turn out to be healthy, but the nutritional nature of the recipes is somewhat unclear. In this case, what they do not know should not harm them (an allergy that cannot be ignored).
The same goes for lunch when we add soup, a box of macaroni and cheese, or other similar foods to soup, a box of macaroni and cheese, or other such items, as opposed to our creative efforts to make it quick and easy. tasty food. You've probably seen a lot of the ideas in this report, and I hope these ideas not only help you get started on the healthy eating you once dreamed of, but also inspire you to try something new. . yourself
Since nutrition and weight are known to be the culprits behind so many health and wellness problems, the importance of not only eating on our own, but also teaching our children the value of healthy eating cannot be overemphasized. One way to make sure your loved ones are eating really healthy food is to always make sure you are eating healthy and nutritious food for them. This doesn't mean you can't enjoy burning calories from time to time. The secret to healthy cooking is learning to control portions and understand the importance of moderation.
Locro's flavor quality is influenced by many factors, from the type of ingredients, the choice of fresh ingredients, the ability to slice dishes, to the way they are cooked and served. If you want to make delicious locro at home, don't worry, if you know the trick, this dish can be used as an unusual specialty.
The number of servings for making locro is Se hace en candidad. Se puede freezar.. So make sure this section is enough for you and your beloved family.
In addition, the time required to make Locro is estimated to be around 3-4 hours.
To start this particular recipe, we need to prepare a few ingredients first. You can make Locro with 12 Ingredients and 9 Steps. How to cook it.
I want to share a recipe for lokron that I prepared for my family. Lleva su tiempo, pero creo que el resultado lo merce. Maybe my recipe is unconventional, but I think we all cook at home using the ingredients we like. In my case, I do not prefer patita or cueritos de cerdo, but I can add them to taste. Finally, this is my version. Ojala no demsiado alejada de la real!!
Ingredients and spices for cooking Locro:
- 800 grams asado y/o baketo de serdo
- 800 g needle vacuum
- 500 grams of chorizo (pueden ser puro cerdo o mezcla)
- 150 g ahumada pancetta
- 1 dry chorizo cantimpalo
- 1 kg zapallo pullo o ingles
- 500 g white pisado corn
- 250 g leeks in oil
- Salsa (or Free Colorado)
- Cebollas de verdeo (2 or 3)
- 2 tablespoons pork fat
- Red pepper, paprika, aji molido (1 tablespoon each)
Steps to do locro
- Wash corn and beans separately the night before. Minimo deberian estar 10 hours, moisturizes well.
- Cortar en trozos las carnes, la panceta y el cantimpalo. tank. Cooking el zapallo en trozos y los chorizos and Rodajas grandes.
- Calendar bien la olla con un poco de aceite, neutral en el fondo, dorar las meat products. Aggregator also pancetta y el cantimpalo
- Una vez que Sellaron y Estan un poco doradas, agregar el maÃz y los porotos que Estaban en Mojo. No preparation required today. You can use poco de agua del remojo and otro poco de agua fresca hasta to coat the ingredients.
- Cooking during Hora, y luego agregar el zapallo and el chorizo. En este momento se puede salar (only 1 cup!)
- From now on, I count another 2 hours of cooking. El zapallo se debe direr en el caldo, las vegumbres y la carne deben quedar tiernas. I often forget that there is no revolver, porque tiende a pegarse el fundo, sobre todo cuando ya se alanda el maÃz
- Up to 1 hour ago there is any list
- For salsita or grasita colorada: Freir en la grasa la cebolla cortada en Rodajas. Seasonings in general, universal par de minutos and restraint
- Immigrant!!! Yo lo servo en plato hondo, con un poco de picante en centro. And a guide to Rico Vino!!!
Also, as you gain experience and confidence, you will find yourself improvising more when you leave the house and adapting food to your personal preferences. Whether you need more or fewer ingredients, or if you want to make the recipe a little tastier or a little tastier, you can make simple changes to achieve that goal. In other words, over time, you will start creating your own recipe. When it comes to basic beginner cooking skills, you don't need to learn them, but if you don't master these simple cooking skills, you will never master them.
How to Make the Perfect Meal Locro comes to this specific conclusion. Thank you very much for your time. I'm sure you can do it at home. There will be more interesting homemade recipes. Don't forget to save this page in your browser and share it with your family, friends and colleagues. Thanks for reading. Let's cook!